Are devices still being dispatched?

Yes our stores remain open, with reduced hours where staff are focusing on continuity of service. We are still processing new dispatch requests and aim to operate a ‘business as usual’ service. Many devices and subsequent kits are available in UK stock today, ready for delivery. If a device or component which is required to fulfill your order, and it is affected by production issues, our expert team will work to find a solution.


Supply of new devices and hardware, as a result of COVID-19 has caused widespread, global disruption to the general supply chain, initially, to component production in China over the last 12 weeks resulting in reduced output. Almost all component production factories in the Far East are back up and running, albeit with a reduced capacity between 30-70%.


As things stand, our UK facilities are operational, albeit with a reduced capacity and impacted by the above global electronic component supply shortages. Naturally, this could lead to an extension of lead times until back to 100 % with delayed deliveries dates only available to validate upon order.

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