Are Airmax Remote staff affected by COVID-19 and are any self-isolating?


Whilst we have a small team in comparison to others, some may be/are affected by the current situation. For confidentiality reasons, we won’t be disclosing how many of our team are self-isolating or if any are affected. At present we continue to provide a good level of operational service, but we do ask for your patience because in some cases, our response times may be delayed.


Currently we are observing minimal disruption to our activities, but we are clearly moving into unchartered territory. Our BCP has been adapted to manage the risk imposed by COVID-19 according to the above objectives and being reviewed daily, some of the specific steps we are taking internally are:

  • Hygiene: Frequent internal communication ensuring appropriate hand sanitisers are available;
  • Social Distancing: Office staff have transitioned to working remotely or from home; and
  • Work planning: Resources are being scheduled on a business as usual basis, however external resources such as installation contractors are now starting to close, disrupting our key supply chain
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